Sunday, June 28, 2015

7 benefits from the morning cold bath

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A solid routine day-to-day demands that we constantly active and productive. For that, it needs a fresh body condition and primed so that we can run a variety of activities throughout the day.

One way that can be done to make the body become more fresh and stay fit is to shower in the morning. I'm sure you all do this habit every day instead. It may seem trivial but it is very useful and has many health benefits for the human body.

According to some studies, people should get used to bathe every morning with cold water. Morning shower with cold water not only aims to cleanse the body alone loh. Apparently this practice has many other useful benefits for human health.
1. Mandi am able circulation

According to the results of the research conducted in the UK have shown that if the cold water in the morning, it makes circulation more easily. Not only that, it also makes feel fresh and comfortable.
2. Bathing with cold water will increase the white blood cells
More diving cold morning to boost white blood cells in the body. When white blood cells increased physical capacity and resources to other anti-virus that helps the body not easily spread disease because the immune system is to be protected. 
3. Bathing in cold water can reduce the risk of high blood
According to Frederic Premji, a hypnotherapist from The American Board of Hypnotherapy, a cold shower will reduce the risk of high blood pressure, varicose veins and hardening of blood vessels. This is because a cold shower will launch throughout the blood circulation to the organs of the body.

4. Bathing with cold water to increase fertility

Diving the morning with cold water also has a positive effect on people's reproductive health as well. The advantage of it is to increase the production of the hormone testosterone, the male hormone and cholesterol. As a result, sex life and passion to grow.

5. Morning shower repair body tissue health
Bathing habits cold water in the morning every day, it also provides health benefits as well as human tissue . With such a network will increase the tissue health, better skin dry skin is not easy and not dilapidated. Further, it also reduces bruising and a black spot on the bottom part.
But if a hot bath, wrinkles or sagging skin. Further, the cold water has a positive effect on the nail by nail tissue healthier more robust and not easily broken. 
6. Morning shower with cold water can make hair healthier
What the heck happened to the hair when rinsed with cold water? Apparently cold water to cover the hair cuticle, so as to reduce hair loss. Hair will be better protected from dirt that is usually attached to the scalp. Thus, the hair will be healthier and stronger.
7. Nutritious cold shower to relieve depression
Ritual bath in the morning with cold water used by Japanese samurai warriors of the past. This ritual is called misogi in Japanese. The habit is intended to cleanse the soul so that the mind becomes calm and get through the day with gusto.
However, apart from the usual ritual of the Japanese serve targeted, it is logical yes if the effect of a cold shower can relieve depression and stress. Just imagine if we were too late, in a state of tension or depression, for one thing, after we shower, the body will feel more refreshed, the mind becomes calmer, clearer, and more relaxed.


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