Monday, June 22, 2015

Incredibly Bizarre Jobs That Are Now Extinct (8 picture)

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1 Bowling Alley Pin Setter

Since this was traditionally a very low paying job, it was typically done by teenagers.  


2 Knocker-Upper

Basically an old timey wake up call, they'd go and knock on windows and doors until the client woke up.


3 Ice Cutter

When lakes would freeze over in the winter, the ice got cut and sent to delivery men. It was a dangerous job since the ice could crack when it was being cut.

 4 Pre-Radar Enemy Aircraft Detector 

Before there was radar, the only way to detect enemy aircraft in time to warn the troops was by listening with this crazy device.


5 Rat Catcher

Killing rats was extremely important in not spreading disease in Europe. It was also a dangerous job since rat bites were not uncommon.

 6 Lamp Lighter

Before electricity all of the street lights had to be lit manually when it got dark.

 7 Milkman 

The milkman is an iconic image. Before there were refrigerators milk was delivered fresh daily.

 8 Log Driver

Before the invention of large trucks, the only way to transport logs was down river.

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