Saturday, June 20, 2015

Things You Will Only Find at a Chinese Walmart (10 Pciture)

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1 Want to take a look inside this Chinese Walmart?


Though the outside view is not all that impressive, we assure you that Chinese Walmart is one of the strangest places on earth!

2 Mixed Meat Aisle


3 Crocodiles on ice

Whole crocodiles and sharks, live frogs, "fat guy" underwear, and powdered horse milk are just a few of the crazy things you might find at a Chinese Walmart.



4 Here's a crazy product: A stunning dried squid

This squid is beautiful and terrifying all at once. The products they carry at Chinese Walmart almost seem unbelievable at times.

5 Live turtles and frogs

 It seems pretty likely that these animals probably aren't intended to be sold as pets. 

6 OMG – Whole sharks!


7 Anti-bacterial undies at Chinese Walmart

8 "Fat guy" is a size of underwear at Chinese Walmart!

9 Ummm... yeah.

 That powerful looking horse graphic makes this product seem all the more awkward. 

10 Diet water? Scam alert!

 Water has zero calories already, so is diet water negative calories? 

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