Thursday, July 2, 2015

Jaguar Land Rover building new modern standard delivery construction for more than $ 3 million

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Jaguar Land Rover showed the new car showroom building (Showroom) located along Russian Boulevard, a modern building built standards technical level 4 of Jaguar Land Rover, which distributes funds to build more than 3 million.

The building is planned to be put in soon after spending both day and night construction more than a year.

Mr Meas Tola chief executive of Jaguar Land Rover in the show reporters this morning, said building new Showroom Jaguar Land Rover as a standard building 4th level companies in Asean have 3 countrys.

He said that the new building was built on an area of 5,000 square meters with 3 types of service providers as a car showroom building sales and service buildings and other parts.

Jaguar Land Rover, the new building design standard model Jaguar Land Rover. Building construction that takes both day and night and the use of more than a year is almost completed and  The company plans to soon in the near future.

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